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November JCTA Meeting Minutes



Meeting of 11/01/10 – Minutes


Mary Schultz Barnegat Light TA Bill Kunz Brant Beach Homeowners

Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Bill Hutson Holgate Taxpayers

Bob Monaco Loveladies P. O. Pat Moran North Beach Taxpayers

Barbara Lehman Harvey Cedars Jane O’Brien Barnegat Light T. A.

Jennifer Bott Ship Bottom Dick Jeffries Surf City Taxpayers

Meeting called to order by President Pat Moran at 7PM.

Pledge of Allegiance followed.

Bob Monaco presented the treasurer’s report – balance unchanged since the last meeting at $4602.32. High Bar Harbor Taxpayers 2010 dues are still unpaid.


Southern Regional’s ranking in the state per New Jersey Monthly magazine was disappointingly low ~ 270 out of 380 rated schools.

No other items regarding Southern Regional; except that Peter Trainor’s letter to the editor in the Sandpaper regarding the Board’s stonewalling tactics was calm and reasoned.

LBI Consolidated’s feasibility study should be received by the Board in November; there are some issues regarding transportation and the possible inclusion of Beach Haven (even though they have no interest). It is projected that the report, possibly with Board comments will be released to the public in the December/January time frame – presumably after the Island’s mayors have had an opportunity to review it.

The Board has apparently received the test scores but is not releasing them yet.

Heather Henry resigned from the Board.

“Choice” Program apparently still has some issues; but LBI Consolidated will offer 10-12 places.

A general discussion followed over a number of the issues regarding LBI Consolidated including successors to the Supervising Principal and the Business Manager; busing issues, and the accuracy of some of the statements attributed to the JCTA. JCTA statements were defended as being accurate; although perhaps critical. It was also agreed that consolidation of LBI Consolidated with Stafford’s elementary makes no sense on a number of levels – financial, student experience wise, etc.

Meeting was adjourned via a motion and second at 7:50PM.

Charlie Gaver

NEXT MEETING – 12/6/10 @ 7PM

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