Meeting of 4/4/11
Mary Schwartz Barnegat Light Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars
Dawn Kennedy-Little LBT 10 Bob Monaco Loveladies P. O.
Pat Moran North Beach Jane O’Brien Barnegat Light
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM; President Pat Moran presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Bob Irvine (LBT 10) presented his successor, Dawn Kennedy-Little to the group.
Lacking a quorum, the minutes of the last meeting could not be approved.
Treasurer Bob Monaco reported the funds on hand remain at $4902.32.
Old Business:
No response to President Pat Moran’s letter to the LBI Consolidated Business Administrator; although an issue of addresses may have contributed to the confusion.
Reportedly, the budget for Southern Regional is fairly flat for the coming year.
President Pat Moran announced that the JCTA will have at least two positions open; Treasurer and Secretary since both incumbents will be leaving their respective Boards.
Bob Monaco reported that the state DEP has published its revised recommendations for Beach Access; and that they seem a bit more reasonable; with more discretion left to the municipalities.
It was suggested that the JCTA should consider establishing its own website. It was agreed to investigate this.
Bob Monaco found a copy of the Mission Statement and the Bylaws for the JCTA. While they need to be updated, it’s nice to have them.
Charlie Gaver also advised that the probable outcome of the “Boulevard Issue” through Harvey Cedars for this year will be that the “blinker lights” of last year will be full traffic lights this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM by motion.
Charlie Gaver
Next Meeting May 2, 2011 7:00 PM