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JCTA Meeting Minutes March 2010

March 1, 2010 Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Bob Irvine LBT10 Peter Trainer LBT 10 Bob Monaco Loveladies POA Trish Monaco Loveladies HOA Bill Kunz Brant Beach HOA Barb Lehman Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Rick Jones LBT 10

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM; Vice President Brick Jones presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s report by Bob Monaco – current balance $4075.32 – accepted as presented.


Southern Regional:

Discussions ensued regarding Kevin Lyons’ letter to the editor and his call to Peter Trainer, and what the JCTA’s response might or should be. In general, it was felt that we had to respond, although perhaps not in kind.

At our last meeting, President Pat Moran was to draft and send a letter to Supt. Henry advising him of the call, and querying whether it was done on behalf of the Board of Education. Was such done – what if any reaction or response to date?

The possibilities explored included: A letter to the editor program-how many read them; who writes them, etc.

An open meeting sponsored by JCTA with Craig Henry but open to the public- Time to organize: would Supt. Henry attend, etc

Try and work with or through our three reps-already attempted, without any response.

One or more issue-oriented ads in the Sandpaper, sponsored by the JCTA-would provide a visible response and at the same time increase the JCTA visibility on the Island and presumably with the Board of Education.

After much discussion, it appears that the Ad approach was favored; although we do have a time frame issue (Budget vote on 4/20). It was decided that the education committee would attempt to draft a number of “Bullet Point” items for the ad by March 14th; post themvia Email to Pat Moran for review, comment or modification. Pat would then circulate same via Email for approval by the JCTA membership.

LBI Consolidated:

Operations continue to puzzle. How do members of the negotiating committee who signed the “Memorandum of Agreement” with the teachers’ union wind up voting against the contract? Obviously, a 4% per year for 3 years (~almost 13% overall) contract is practically unheard of in today’s market. Again, another possible action would be one or more ads timed to impact the budget vote questioning some of these actions. Bill Kunz has talked with Mayor Mancini, and he may try to encourage the other Mayors to question this action either jointly or individually.

New Business:

Question was raised regarding voting within the JCTA and of quorum requirements. There was note a copy of the Bylaws available; need same for next meeting.

It was also suggested that the Sign-In sheet have the members organizations listed; with the designated voter signing in for his organization; other attendees signing in as currently.

It was also suggested that the JCTA explore establishing its own website – design and function to be determined. Several possible hosting organizations were suggested; more info to come.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Charlie Gaver

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