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JCTA Meeting Minutes June 2010

Attendees: Bill Kunz Brant Beach Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Bob Irvine LBT 10 Pat Moran North Beach Ken Martell Seaview Beach Richard Jeffries Surf City Lena Nerrie Harvey Cedars Suzanne Gilbert Surf City Barbara Lehman Harvey Cedars Bill Hutson Holgate Barnegat Light Representative (Unable to read)

Meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. President Pat Moran presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance followed.

Minutes of the meeting of 5/3/10 were approved as submitted.

There was no treasurer’s report due to Bob Monaco’s absence.

Election of Officers: The nominating committee (Ken Martell & Bill Kunz) presented the recommended slate of officers; namely Pat Moran (Pres), Bob Monaco as treasurer, Charlie Gaver as secretary. They had no recommendation for vice president. After some discussion, Barbara Lehman agreed to accept the vice presidential nomination. The recommended slate was approved unanimously.

Old Business:

Southern Regional Very little if any information regarding the supposed negotiations between SRSD and their teachers regarding a possible wage freeze, as was reported in the document sent home with the students on the Friday before the school budget vote.

LBI Consolidated Board still seems to be out of touch with the economic and political situation. Marilyn Wasilewski is unhappy with the JCTA. Bob Garguilio has resigned, and acceted another job (Folsom), reportedly for less money. Roger Carrabas (sp?) has accepted the Superintendent’s job for LBI Consolidated. He is a former superintendent for the district.

LBI Consolidated’s Board did not support filing an application for the “Race to the Top” program – rational unknown.

The defeat of the LBI Consolidated budget has forced the District to interface with the Mayors as to the budget. One item requested is a study by a consultant as to the need for the District to operate two buildings, with the current and projected enrollments ~ 265 total.

Beach Replenishment: Long Beach Township has proposed a addendum to the current and signed easements which would assure no Boardwalks and no toilets in the replenishment area.

New Business: The newly enacted Crosswalk Law has created some unintended problems and possibly some unsafe situations, with drivers stopping suddenly due to pedestrians stepping into crosswalks, etc. Lena Nerrie will contact LBT police chief for some guidance re a possible resolution requesting the state to reconsider this law or perhaps to suspend it.

The Library has informed Pat that they have a conflict with our August 2 projected meeting. We have two options

1. Cancel the meeting, or

2. Move the meeting to a more “ambient” location. Decision to be made at the July meeting (please bring suggestions).

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM by motion.

Charlie Gaver


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