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JCTA Meeting Minutes January 2010

January 4, 2010 Attendees: Pat Moran North Beach TPA Bill Kunz Brant Beach HOA Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Lena Nerrie Harvey Cedars Barbara Lehman Harvey Cedars Bob Irvine LBT 10 Bob Monaco Loveladies POA Trish Monaco Loveladies HOA Mary Brown Loveladies POA Steve Rabbitt Barnegat Light Tom Day Barnegat Light Peter Trainor LBT 10 Dick Jeffries Surf City

Meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM : President Pat Moran presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s report by Bob Monaco – $3687.48 accepted.

OLD BUSINESS: Southern Regional: Follow-up with the Island’s mayors re a follow-up to “their” letter of earlier in the year (2009) indicates they are not really interested in aggressively pursuing this. Supt. Craig Henry’s responses have been at best disingenuous – at worst evasive and confrontational. After considerable discussion, it was decided that the JCTA should proceed on two more aggressive courses: 1. Attend the Board Meetings and ask the embarrassing questions in a public forum with both press and public exposure, and 2. Embark on an aggressive public relations program with letters to the editors detailing our concerns and questions. 3. Contact as appropriate state and/or district/county representatives with specific items.

Dick Jeffries agreed to handle No. 1; but after one other attempt to contact Supt. Henry before the public questioning. This was agreed to; questions to be drafted by Pat Moran. Initial two areas of interest are the security personnel and particularly the list of teachers assignments – a number of which show teachers with few or no class assignments.

LBI Consolidated: A number of the members who attended the December LBI Consolidated Board of Education commented on their impressions of the meeting and the Board – none were particularly positive. We were able to generate a relatively significant increase in turnout from the normal levels. Bill Kunz gave an overall summary of the meeting, particularly the “public” session. Discussions followed of various options and possible directions for the JCTA to consider with really no options agreed upon, save finding some alternative Board candidates to perhaps upset this “happy family.”

It also came to light that the Board may be being treated to dinner at the taxpayers’ expense, which would seem to be a bad practice ( and may not be legal). It is a general consensus that the “CHOICE” program should be supported, since it should be beneficial to the students and to the taxpayers.

Beach Replenishment: Essentially status quo – pumping sand in Harvey Cedars, chasing easements in Long Beach, and have sent easement letters to beachfront owners in North Beach and Loveladies to start the process there.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.

Charles Gaver

Next Meeting 2/1/10

Note revised meeting dates for 2010 – June 7 (was June 1) July 12 (was July 5)

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