Minutes of meeting 1/05/09 Attendees:
Bill Knarre, Brant Beach Bill Kunz, Brant Beach Dick Jeffries, Surf City Chas. Gaver, Harvey Cedars Don Hoffler, Beach Haven John Ertel, Beach Haven Ken Martell, Seaview Beach Bob Monaco, LLPO Trish Monaco, LHO Gina Harle, LHO Russ Harle, LHO Lynn Hickerson, LL
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM
Flag Salute
Minutes from the 12/08 meeting were accepted.
Treasurers Report: Balance $2899.21 Invoices will be sent to all JCT members for 2009 dues.
Old Business: Charlie Gaver, Harvey Cedars, reported that the bids for the Beach Project in Harvey Cedars would be opened in the next few weeks. The town has filed eminent domain claims for 5 properties that are not buildable and the remaining 8 properties with unsigned easements could be filed as needed.
SRSD Referendum – The referendum was defeated on Dec. 9th and all JCT members got copies of the vote results by town. Hopefully this was a wake up call to the Board of Ed. The JCT has requested that in the future the Bd of Ed ask for public input prior to making decisions such as the referendum. Again, Bill Knarre has asked for volunteers to serve on the JCT school committee and stated that a few have come forward. Contact Bill at kknarre@aol.com or 609-361-0651 so he can coordinate with Pat Moran, committee chairman.
Bridge Project – E-mails have been received from Sen. Connors stating that his office has been in contact with the NJ DOT asking to make the project a priority. It looks like the engineering studies will start in 2011 and work to begin in 2014. Since the redesign of the Ship Bottom intersection by Oskar Hubers is part of the project the JCT is asking for that part to be done sooner. Dick Jeffries, Surf City TA, was asked to follow up on this request.
“Old Barney” – The relighting of the lighthouse on New Years Day was a huge success with thousands of people attending this historic event.
Member News: Don Hoffler, Beach Haven, spoke about the committee he serves on in his town looking into a change in the form of government. The committee is busy preparing 3 public meetings and is visiting communities with different forms of government.
Don and John Ertel said that there apparently was a change in the funding formula for SRSD in the 1970’s or 1980’s and they have been unable to see a copy of the SRSD Boards minutes that shows this change. It will be looked into.
Ken Martell asked how the shared services committee was proceeding in Long Beach Twp. A few JCT members that are on that committee responded that a chart is being formulated showing what services are and are not being shared by Island towns at this time. The committee is then going to contact the Taxpayer Assoc. of the other towns and have them talk to their respective local officials to join in this project. The idea of shared services will save the whole Island money.
Ken also stated that we should be looking at taxes on the County level. The County levy on the Island towns is between 40 – 45% of our tax bills. Bill Knarre will have a schedule of the Ocean County Freeholders meetings at the next JCT meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 PM