Notes from Feb, 2009 JCTA meeting attended by Charlie Gaver
Hello all. Again, the typical mid-winter turnout – relatively small (10 or so). Several interesting developments regarding the Causeway/LBI Boulevard intersection. 1. Apparently Stafford has requested “stimulus” funds, if available to repair/replace the causeway. The island was apparently not aware of this – but obviously it is in our best interests. 2. A drawing actually exists now (at DOT) detailing the boulevard as two way through the causeway intersection – captioned “Initially Preferred Alternative Scheme A2” dated 2/2004. This just surfaced in the last month or so. Contact has been made with the new DOT Commissioner Dilts regarding all of the Causeway related issues: he has agreed to review and respond. Further on the traffic issues. Apparently, about two years ago, Bill Knaare, then Mayor Mancini and a few others went to Toms River to meet with Freeholder Bartlett who is involved with the transportation committee. Discussions centered around the fact that LBI with about 2% of the county’s population provides over 20% of the county’s tax revenue; they were wondering what LBI was getting back for th is largesse. One project suggested – at no cost to the Island – were improved crosswalks on the north end, ie North Beach, Harvey Cedars, Loveladies and Barnegat Light. Apparently, there was some agreement on this. In any event, within the last month or so, Long Beach Township apparently got a bill ($33,000)from the county for new cross walks in the north end of the island. Since their understanding was that this was to be done at no cost, LBT is delving further into the matter. Phil – This may be another contact for you if the DOT people don’t respond.
Barbara Lehman’s name (HC school budget team volunteer) has been passed on to Pat Moran, Chrmn, along with two other volunteers from other organizations.
The JCTA is planning to have another public presentation on both the local as well as the Southern Regional Budgets, either in March, or more likely early April. This will be a public meeting – open to all interested parties, with presentations by the two superintendents and then a question and answer period from the floor.