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JCTA Meeting Minutes December 2009

December 7, 2009 Attendees: Mildred Hrbek Seaview Rick Jones LBT10 Dick Jeffries Surf City Ken Martell Seaview Beach Bill Kunz Brant Beach Barbara Lehman Harvey Cedars Pat Moran North Beach TPA Bob Monaco Loveladies P O Trish Monaco Loveladies H O Peter Trainor LBT 10 Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Bob Irvine LBT 10 Lil Orrico Loveladies P O Bill Hutson Holgate

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM; President Pat Moran presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s report by Bob Monaco was accepted – balance $3587.48 (same as last).


Southern Regional: Continue to follow-up on the lack of responsiveness from Southern Regional; and particularly their reluctance to respond to questions submitted previously, such as why their own report shows a number of teachers with no class assignments, no sign-in sheets or other monitoring system for Security personnel etc. Peter Trainor has contacted the Island’s mayors, and is meeting with four of them on Friday, December 11th to bring them up to date; and perhaps to initiate a follow-up request for information from them – since theirs was the original information request. (Mayors Mancini and Larson are unable to attend).

LBI Consolidated: LBI Consolidated Board continues to act in what appears to be an irresponsible manner – and with little concern for constituent concerns. In most instances they simply refuse to answer questions put to them. For example, the “interim” Business Administrator who had a temporary contract approved through 12/31/09 apparently has had his contract extended through 6/30/10 although there is no record of a vote or discussion by the Board. Board minutes are apparently “selective:” generally do not recognize nor reflect comments, questions or presentations from constituents in the audience.

It was suggested that the Board meetings be videotaped; Board apparently did not react to that suggestion. Cost would be about $200.00 per meeting. Mayors are reluctant to shoulder that cost, so the JCTA might have to pay for taping the first several meetings, until it can be budgeted for.

Since the LBI Consolidated Board apparently looks askance at the JCTA and doubts that the organization represents many members, it was decided that we would attempt to encourage our individual organizations to have members attend the next Board Meeting – Tuesday, December 15th at the Ethel Jacobson School in Surf City. All Groups were requested to Email members with this information.

Beach Replenishment: Brief discussion of the recent easement compensation award to the Harvey Cedars owner; and its possible affect on the balance of the project. Brant Beach still has holdouts, and this decision is not going make it easier.

New Business: Southern Regional budget information is not being provided by the Board nor by the Supervising Principal despite numerous requests. Obviously, a new approach is needed. This should include informational newspaper ads, letters to the editor and such. It was also suggested that the JCTA host a “Town Meeting” with perhaps Vito Gagliardi making a presentation on the options that may be open to the Island’s taxpayers short of destroying the district. Peter Trainor to explore this.

This more pro-active approach will probably cost the JCTA money.; certainly more than in the past. For that reason, it was decided to increase dues for 2010. After some discussion, a two tiered dues schedule was approved as follows:

100 or less members – $100.00/year 101 or more – $200.00/year

Proposed schedule for 2010 meetings was presented as follows:

1/4, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7(*), 7/12, 8/2, 9/13,10/4, 11/1,12/6 Currently all meetings will be at the Ocean County Library in Surf City

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Charles Gaver

Next Meeting 1/4/10

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