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Meeting Minutes- May 2012

HCTA Trustees Meeting Home of B. Lehman


Present: P Kunz, B Lewis, S Lewis, J Loudon, B Lehman Absent: S Ellman, J Imperial, K Ries, J Cadmus

Membership: Jim moved to approve motion proposed by Saul to spend $1200.00 on a membership mailing. Saul felt this had better impact and communication that an email campaign. Those present approved. If he agrees, Saul will write the letter. Plus- it will include information from this meeting. Motion to approve by Jim. Seconded by Bryan with the caveat that the letter is approved by Phil prior to being sent. All voted to approve.

Annual Yard Sale: All is on track. Susan sent out a ‘save the date’ blast email after some server glitches. Kathy has update all info/forms Susan will send this weekend. J Cadmus committed to taking big sign to HC yard for posting, Jim will affix date sticker once sign is up. Phil and Bryan will hand out Treasure Maps/flags the morning of sale and Jim/ Phil/Bryan will pick up flags on Sat late afternoon. We agreed there would be one location for flag pick up: Leave by front door/porch.

Phil will print all Treasure maps- Kathy will compile and must get to him no later than 11am on Friday, May 25th.

JCTA: Barbara stated the Consolidated school budget is increasing by 6%. This includes the ‘step’ raise plus the 4.5% salary increase. What’s going on? The State cap is 2%. Barbara will pursue this at this weeks meeting. (exceptions include medical costs, etc.)The JCT wants better transparency and is proposing to send a letter to The Sandpaper to address these items, bring attention to this matter, discuss the marketing of the school and property for sale in Ship Bottom. They want the Island mayors to sign off on transparency, but believe they may have a conflict of interest being that their spouses are teachers in the district.

New Trustees: Susan will attempt to again make contact with those that submitted interest forms. Update to follow to Trustees.

BLVD Safety: Currently, the County is ‘boxing out’ the Blvd. This means they move earth and black top the area from the road to the utility poles where they can. Trustees notice they are ‘hop-scotching’ around. We have no info on this, but feel they are dealing with property issues. We find it amazing the amount of money the County has spent on traffic lights, utility poles and ‘boxing out’. Would it not be cheaper and safer to just re-paint the road in the suggested configuration and see how it works prior to the road re-surfacing? It’s safer and It’s Just Paint!

Barb L says Kirk Larson, mayor of B-light will not even conduct a dialogue with the JCTA. Maybe information on the NJ adopted Complete Streets program would help? The NJ DOT will do a presentation to Ocean County in the hopes the County adopts this program which sets standards for safe roadways. Matt Norris of the “Tri-State Transportation Campaign’ wants to speak to HC about conducting a ‘Citizens Walk-ability Survey’ to generate reportable information. Jon Oldham spoke with Phil and stated he wants to work with the HCTA to coordinate a positive msg/newsletter touting ‘Complete Streets’. Oldham confirmed to Phil that he has yet to send the HCTA written letter to the NJ DOT/GOV that he asked us to help craft. Phil pressed on the date that would go out. There was more discussion on the summer safety campaign with all present Trustees agreeing it would start Memorial Day weekend with a Letter to the Editor introducing the ‘Completes Streets program/standards and objectives. Susan will get information linked on the HCTA website and letters/news releases/ ads will be generated by Trustees and send for comment/feedback via email. First ideas are:

What is Complete Streets and how will it make HC Safer?

Complete Streets: Keeping Kids Safe

Complete Streets: Increasing Mobility For Older Americans

Two ads will follow a letter to the editor. A few Trustees volunteered to put together a ‘Concept Script’ for the mayor and commissioners so they have a concise, information packed statement for those that ask. The group agreed that we will try to work one to two weeks ahead of the paper.

The feral cat issue was discussed again. No new information at this time.

Submitted by Susan Lewis

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