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Meeting Minutes-March 2012


HCTA Trustees Meeting Lewis Home

March 23, 2012

Present: P Kunz, J Imperiale, J Cadmus, B Lehman, B Lewis Absent: S Ellman, S Lewis, K Ries, J Loudon

HC Budget: 4 Trustees attended various HC Budget meetings throughout the borough’s budget process. The Trustees are pleased with the outcome- the new HC budget is at 2008 spending levels.

Treasurer report: Jim is out of town. He notified President Kunz that there were no transactions since the last report and therefore no changes.

BLVD Safety: Latest updates on this effort were discussed.

The Trustees present decided that BL mayor Larson and LBY mayor Mancini will not change their opinions until we convince them that their constituents are on the side of safer roads in HC (and the island in general). We agreed that multiple fronts were needed to get a change in the lanes in HC including as a very viable source.

From their website:

“Instituting a Complete Streets policy ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind – including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.”

John I. proposed a letter to Governor and other officials looking for a positive association rather than an adversarial position from HCTA. The Board agreed to craft this letter. The board discussed that our BLVD campaign effort would be educational and brainstormed reaching out to other TPA’s to see if we could arrange to discuss the BLVD design.

New Trustees: HCTA members that expressed interest as serving as Trustees were emailed. Phil received no response.

Annual Yard Sale: No information on this. Susan and Kathy were not available to attend this meeting. Phil, was unable to secure Goodwill for ‘left-over; item donation pickups. However, Barbara will look into using the Boys/Girls Clubs of America as an alternative.

Ferel Cats: the problem continues. The Boroughs new program was brought up- no feedback yet,

The HCTA Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 25th.

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