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HCTA Trustee May Meeting Minutes

HCTA May Meeting Minutes * May 6, 2011 * Loudon Residence
Present: Bryan Lewis, Jim Loudon, John Imperiale, Susan Lewis, Kathy Ries, Phil Kunz, Barbara Lehman. Absent: Barbara Frank, Saul Ellman, John Cadmus, Michael Pasnik
Treasurer’s Report: We currently have $8924.89 in our account. Jim has paid the JCTA dues, the state filing fees.
Membership Report: Saul has again created a letter to be sent to all HC Taxpayers asking them to join/re-join for the next season. The letter is being printed and he will mail it out in the next week or so.
JCTA: Barbara stated that we (the HCTA) need a second representative in case she cannot make a meeting. A second set of ears is always helpful. She tried to speak to the Barnegat Light Rep. about the BLVD and they would not speak to her. Someone at meeting stated that the BLVD Safety Stantec model did not include right hand turns?? Bryan and Phil stated that is a valid question, but they believe the model includes all variables and will confirm. Barbara stated Leonard Connors thinks the other school should be closed- not the one selected from the consolidation study.
Town-wide Yard Sale-Sat. May 28: Kathy has put together all paperwork/forms and Susan has posted to the website. After a few edits, a blast email will be sent out to the membership announcing the event to be held Memorial Day Weekend (Sat and Sun). The event will include members and non-members. Non-members paying an additional fee giving them HCTA membership. All info must be into the HCTA no later that May 21 to be assured inclusion in the sale ‘Treasure Map’. Saturday morning volunteers:
1. Handing out Treasure Maps at 6:20: Phil, Susan, John I and maybe Barbara L. (Please be outside town hall no later than 6:10am. We will hand out maps until 9:00am.
2. Handing out Sale Flags/Signage at 6:15am: Kathy, Jim Loudon and Saul. Please be ready to go at Town Hall no later than 6:05.
Sunday Flag Pick-up: Sellers are asked to leave the flag out by their front door or porch for pick up on Sunday. Kathy will arrange the Treasure Map assist? If some one knows of a student in need of Community Service hours, we will write them a letter for their assistance with pick-up. So far, Bryan ans Susan are the only volunteers for pick-up. Who else?
BLVD SafetyUpdate: The Sandpaper is not publishing all the letters they are receiving concerning BLVD safety. We have had a number of members writing in (Thank you all!!) and the letters are not being publisheed. We will ask people to re-send their letters in Bryan’s Spring update to members if their letters have not been published.
BLVD Questions/Brainstorming: How can we put additional pressure on the Freeholders? They talk about school consolidation, but they don’t represent our kids well being now re: BLVD safety. Besides cost savings, why would we want to consolidate with you Larson and Mancini? The BLVD safety project is not moving forward because of these two mayors. We a least have a dialoge with the Freeholders, Mayors Larson and Mancini will not even speak to us. BL Mayor Kirk Larson is responding to BL First Aid squad’s Bob Van Meter’s nay saying/misinformation. Van Meter doesn’t really care about emergency vehicles. The real reason is he doesn’t want to be slowed down in his personal life, has found his talking point with the mayors and he’s sticking with it.
Stantec told Van Meter specifically the ER vehicles have a BETTER response time. We need to educate the Mayors and/or the people who vote for them. We need the AVI model NOW and will again ask the Commissioners to help us acquire it. Both mayors have now seen the AVI model, but their supporters/voters have not and they are playing on those peoples fears.
Education is key and we cannot educate peole without the AVI. Who is personal friends with Larson and Mancini? Oldham.
BL Mayor Larson said “Put the lights in. My people don’t care.” We think people will care about more traffic lights. While that will help people cross the BLVD, it doesn’t help make the shoulders wider for those attempting to walk, ride, jog or push a baby stroller.
How can Jon Oldham help us?
How do we proceed from here?
1. We will keep writing letters to the Sandpaper to keep this issue current and in the public eye.
2. We will write an OPEN letter to Mayors Larson and Mancini for the week of Memorial Day publication. Bryan, John I, Phil and Kathy will work on this. John I is the lead.
3. We will map out an Ad campaign.
Bryan made a motion to spend up to $2000.00 for ads. Phil seconded and the motion was passed by all Trustees present for up to 12 weeks of a large ad, plus up to $750.00 for a separate ‘Open Letter” to the Mayors. What is the Best placement for an Ad in the Sandpaper. Saul – what do you think?
– We will ask John Oldham and the Commissioners to partner with us on this effort both financially and work wise. We need to meet with them to plan strategy.Susan/Bryan will contact Jon Oldham.
4. Get the AVI Model. The town has asked for this and Freeholder Kelly has promised he wouid get it for us- BUT so far NOTHING. Ocean Co. Engineer Frank Scarantino also asked on behalf of our Mayor. Where is the AVI and why won’t anyone provide it to the HCTA/Boro of HC?
5. Could we contact: NJ Pedestrian Safety Impact Team for assistance? What about the NJ Pedestrian and Bike Safety Council? What about Channel 30- Free TV? Who in our membership has contacts or experience with this sort of campaign?
6. Once we get the AVI we could schedule a presentation to the JCTA, post it on our website and send out a blast email to the membership that the AVI model is there.
7. We could create “Burma Shave” type signs for put out this summer. Phil, Kathy and Bryan will work on this. Could we use Police Chief Preiser’s quote? Susan will check sign prices. (similar to what we use for our Annual Meeting)
8. We will revisit the idea of Road slow-down and a rally at our or other Town Halls (LBT or BL) at our next Trustee meeting in June.
Our next meeting will be on Friday, June 24th at the Ries residence.
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