HCTA Meeting Minutes- June 24, 2011 Reis residence
Present: K Reis, S Ellman, B Lewis, S Lewis, P Kunz, J Cadmus, J Loudon
Absent: B Lehman, B Frank, J Imperial, M Pasnick.
President’s report: Bryan Lewis reported the beach access points that needed to be re-worked have been completed and feedback from residents is very complimentary. We continue to work with the Boro on the BLVD safety issue- although a few of us have been occupied with professional obligations and movement has been slow. Bryan has completed his edits of John I’s BLVD letter and will forward to Kathy for review before it is sent to the Sandpaper for publication. We will attempt to set up an opportunity to show the AVI model to the JCTA at their next meeting on August 1. Phil will contact Stantec to see if they could send a representative to explain it to the attendees and Barbara L, our Rep will then facilitate this meeting appearance with the JCTA. John C stated he will create a template/outline for BLVD Safety ads to be published. Saul suggested sending out an email asking members for assistance if they possess ad background, etc.
Membership: Chairman Saul Ellman has completed his membership campaign. 700 letters where sent out as of the third week of June, 200 have joined or renewed. These responders membership will extend thru August of 2012. It costs about a $1.00 per family to execute the membership mailing- Saul would like to explore a way to reduce the cost.
Extra- Saul suggested blurbs to go out reminding taxpayers of when taxes are due, community events and activities etc. Kathy agreed with this idea to increase awareness thru monthly community updates. Susan asked Trustees to write and send her ‘blurbs’ when they wanted something to go out and she would send it. Kathy brought up the idea of expanding Bryan’s newsletter and increasing its frequency- good idea. Again-we need assistance on this. Take a minute to write something and Trustees forward your ideas and text and we’ll combine it to be sent out.
Town Wide Annual Yard Sale: Chairman Kathy Reis felt the 3rd Annual yard sale was successful- we had more households participating this year than the two previous years. 2/3 households sent in late registration and did not make it onto the “Treasure Map”, but they did receive a flag and signage to mark their sale- as per the original guidelines. For next year, we will investigate the idea of Goodwill or a similar organization coming to HC (possibly Sunset Park) on the Sunday after the sale to do a mass pick-up/donation of unwanted goods as an additional community service.
HCTA Annual Meeting: The date for our Annual meeting is Saturday, August 27th at the Firehouse. The start time will be 10:00am with the doors opening at 9:30. Susan will confirm with Scott Wolfschmidt of the fire company and sign date stickers will be ordered. An email will be sent out to Trustees to sign up for work stations prior to the meeting.
Treasurer Report: Jim Loudon presented his report for approval. Jim asked and got approval to send in a sponsorship donation for the HC Dog Day Race in August. He also asked for approval to send in a donation to the Sargent Angelo Vasile Fund. This was voted down. The voting Trustees would rather donate something to the community in Sargent Vasile’s name than create a precedent of donating money to families.
JCTA: Barbara Lehman phoned her report in. The JCTA has put off elections until September. Their next meeting will be on August 1st at 7pm at the Library in Ship Bottom. Barbara feels to assist with the BLVD safety issue we need to get a dialog going with the BL members to find a solution. She stated she also needs another HCTA Trustee to attend meeting with her. John C volunteered to be our second JCTA Representative.
Misc.: Trustees are asked to bring with them to the next meeting the names of anyone they feel would be interested in joining the HCTA Board that is a ‘doer’ and would be able to contribute to the group with their time and efforts on the behalf of the town.
The next Trustee meeting will be on Friday, July 22 at the Kunz residence. The meeting will begin at 8pm.