Dear Neighbor,
We are sure it was just an oversight, but we have not received your 2014 membership donation for this year. I am sure you do not need to be reminded of all the good the HarveyCedars Tax Association does for our township. At your earliest convenience. please visit our website and submit your donation through our Secure Paypal Form or if you prefer the old fashion way, you can also print out a copy of our 2014 membership form and mail it to us using the address located on the top of the form so we can continue to inform you of all the important events and initiatives that the Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association executes on for you. Please remember to give us your current email address so we can update our records. Unfortunately, if we do not receive your dues by May 15th you will be dropped from the membership list.
The board of trustees wishes all of our neighbors a happy and safe 2014 summer.
Thank you,
Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association
NOTICE: You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you have not submitted your membership donation for 2014. If you believe you have paid already please notify us by replying to this email, with pertinent information, so that we can correct our records.