Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association
Board of Trustees Meeting
2/18/11 Lewis Home, 7:30pm
Present: Kathleen Ries, Susan Lewis, Bryan Lewis, Phil Kunz, Saul Ellman, Barbara Lehman, Charlie Gaver, John Cadmus, John Imperiale.
Not present: Michael Pasnick, Barbara Frank, Jim Loudon.
HC Volunteer Fire Company:
HC’s new Fire truck is coming from South Dakota; arriving mid-March.
HC Boro:
Working on handicapped ramp at Mercer.
HC Boro budget “workshop” 2/23/11; Phil to attend for HCTA.
New Class 2 officer hired from Beach Haven.
Beach Replenishment:
HC completed all paperwork for maintenance permit to keep dunes at 22’. Trying to change rules for HC only. The paperwork for this has now been completed & submitted to DEP.
Beach Badges:
There is a shortfall w/ lifeguard & beach workers, as always; alignment w/ LBT & BH (likely $5, seasonal add-on). Surf City & Barnegat Light are not in agreement. Ship Bottom not mentioned by Mayor Jon Oldham in this discussion. Typically, taxpayers buy seasonal badges; weekly & dailies usually purchased by visitors, the feeling seems to be that they should endure the higher-priced badges. HCTA is of the opinion that there’s no big benefit to promoting reciprocity for HC; passive reciprocity will promote a pleasant vacation experience.
Town-wide Yard Sale:
Jon Oldham approved the plan (verbally) Yard Sale plans for Memorial Day weekend -Saturday. Need to follow up w/ Boro in writing.
We have new listing of residents & businesses. It will be $1,000 to do the Membership mailing. Discussed the idea of offering businesses the opportunity to stuff the mailer & support the organization. Generally approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Handed out at the meeting.
Charlie: The Board is restructuring report… refused to release report ‘til mtg. General recommendation to close SB, expand EJ ($9 million). Have not addressed staffing & other issues; history shows that if these issues are never dealt with the change will never happen. 4% increases every year, avg teacher salary here $75k.
County Meeting re: Blvd. moved to 3/2; HCTA is not invited
Mayor Jon O.ldham wants meeting w/ HCTA board members after that.
Sandpaper article re: lights appeared. Mayor Oldham talked about misconception.
Mayor Mancini was supposed to be getting a meeting together w/ Barnegat Light & one or both Loveladies organizations. Mancini reported to not want the mtg. Doubt Jon O‘s actually pushed for the mtg. Ocean County Commissioner Jack Kelly called for a meeting w/ Mancini, Jon O. & Barnegat Light Mayor Kirk Larson. Jon O. says he met w/ Mancini, Frank Scarantino-OC Engineer- and that Mancini’s comment was “I can understand why you want this”. Larson’s concerns supposedly are about travel time to get to Barnegat Light. Larson & Mancini, evidently, aren’t communicating w/ their taxpayers.
Action items:
1.) Bryan to address Mancini issue in a letter to the editor to convince folks north of us:
o There will be change one way to the other, the alternative (Larson argument) is worse than the proposed.
o Fallacy of Larson argument
o Transit time will be worse
2.) Susan to double check current website content.
o Get the software available to produce a video to post on our website (Phil)
o Draw attention to article online
o Want to support the safety? Join.
Traffic light scenario:
o Target people in Barnegat Light – to make them award this could happen.
o Make three flashers fully functional and delay traffic by even more time-won’t help pedestrians on shoulders, but could slow cars for those crossing.
o Every week a letter from a different person to the Sandpaper: FACTUAL STUFF… “Good Old Boy Network putting public safety at risk.”
o JD. (member) may be interested in staging a protest, HCTA will be aware but not endorse: One mile walk… 3-abreast, every Saturday in season.
o Charlie recommends letter from HCTA to JCTA as well (next JCTA mtg 3/7/11)
Next trustee meeting: 4/1, 8pm at home of John Cadmus