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Board Meeting Minutes September 2008

Trustee Meeting Minutes Sept. 5, 2008 Lewis Residence

Present: PK, BF, LN, CG, BL, SL, MP, ST, KP Absent: TC, JC, KR

President’s Report: 1. Review of Annual Meeting-what worked: – 4 Trustees outside Firehouse to meet and greet, update information and collect annual dues. Coffee and water was fine-no food needed-Less setup and cleanup in kitchen, no one complained and no soliciting of business to provide refreshments. Coffee donation jar was a good idea. Almost covered 2/3rd’s of the costs. People volunteered to help us-let’s organize these lists and try very hard to utilize their skills and talents. -New Ideas for Annual meeting: A taxpayer suggested we move the Annual meeting to before or after the summer “season”. We decided no. Many people are gone and do not come back after Labor Day and many are not here before Memorial Day. For now, we will stick to the 3rd Saturday in August. We can revisit this in the future if needed. -Lena suggested using the Lighted/Flashing Police Dept road sign on the Blvd to announce our annual meeting. Discussed this w/ Jon Oldham and he said he will make it happen for us next year. Lena will coordinate. -Purchasing plastic signs to place around town and north of causeway that announce our Annual meeting-similar to Dog Day Race signs. Phil and Susan will research this and costs. 2. Fundraising Idea: Bryan researched online a site that sells organization merchandise. We can choose what we want on the item (our logo) then select merchandise to create an online catalog. We also decide our profit margin and the then sets the price. Taxpayers can go to the website, via a link on the HCTA site to purchase merchandise. The HCTA would have no overhead costs. We would be sent the % that we make off each item. Those present thought this seemed like a win/win for the HCTA and a way for us to raise money. Phil suggested looking into Land’s End program as well. 3. Survey to Membership: Bryan suggested sending a survey to the membership to gage feeling and opinions on the Blvd safety issue that faces HC in the summer. (Do we represent the feeling of our members?) This was discussed at length and a sample will be forthcoming to the trustees at the next meeting to view and approve. 4. New Idea: Bryan floated the idea of a “Getting to know….” column on the HCTA website highlighting various people in the HC government that taxpayers might interact with.

Treasurer’s Report: 1.Barbara reported we have a total of $3031.92 in our account. 2. We received a check from our first Business member-Neptune’s Wines and Liquors. Susan will get their logo on our website. It was suggested and agreed upon that we cover the cost of the large beach photos that John had made for our Annual meeting regarding Beach Replenishment.

JCTA: Charlie reported the September Meeting agenda has been sent out.

Website/Membership: 1. Website: Susan reported she has a volunteer to assist her loading HC photos to change the HCTA home page “header”. He is a technology professional volunteering to assist with content and making our site look “neater”. 2. Membership: This goes hand in hand with Blast e-mail capability. A number of emails came back when announcing the Annual meeting. All present member information will be checked and updated. Once all spreadsheet data is input and checked for accuracy, acknowledgment of dues payment will be sent our via e-mail (or snailmail on the case of 36 members).

Zoning/Municipal Services: Phil stated he had nothing to report at this time. He did inquire about our trash pickup services/outsourcing. What exactly is the town picking up? What is that in the budget? (Line item vs. outsourcing?) There are two trucks sitting in the yard-are we servicing these trucks?

Safety: This was partially discussed during President’s report. Further questions were raised regarding the Traffic Study conducted in July and the computer generated study. What is Mayor Oldham asking the County/State to model exactly? What was the manual count? How did they conduct the survey? It comes down to how the Borough wants the Blvd configured. How can the HCTA assist and how do we proceed?

Beach Safety/Dune Trespassing: Michael looked into a “keep off the dune” ordinance and was surprised to find that there is none. Nor is there a fine. The general view held by the power that be is the fine for “trespassing” ($250-$1500.00 ), charged at the discretion of a judge is enough. This is also a mandatory appearance. Larger beach signs could help the borough keep people off the dunes. Perhaps the HCTA could sponsor signs or possibly assist with securing some type of grant to fund signs.

Next Meeting: Friday, October 24, 2008 at the Lewis Residence. Mayor Jon Oldham will be invited to attend.

Respectfully submitted by Susan Lewis

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