Board Meeting Held – October 2, 2009 at Lewis Residence *
Present: JL, BF, LN, KR, JC, SE, MP, CG, BL, SL, PK Absent: TC, KP
Beach Replenishment – John Cadmus Report from the Borough Commissioner’s meeting earlier today: project is set for 10/15/2009 launch in HC. Between now & the project start markers will be posted indicating dune depth (not height) every 50 – 100 feet. Once launched, the project will run 24/7 and will be completed 1,000 feet at a time; it is expected to take 180 days with an approximate 3/20/2010 completion date. Trustees present discussed becoming active in dune maintenance and dune treatment programs, informing ocean front and ocean block homeowners of methods and benefits of properly addressing the scenery that will become part of their neighborhood.
Treasurer’s Report – Barbara Frank We’ve added $2,447.00 to our account since the annual meeting in a combination of dues and donations. HCTA account balance is presently $5,253.33.
Website – Bryan Lewis HCTA has received a project proposal from IT Fabulous, LLC for redesign & development of the HCTA website. The proposed program includes a blog, photo display area, advertising provisions and e-commerce including donating to HCTA & paying annual dues. Project development cost $400; annual hosting $125/yr. Proposal was unanimously accepted by trustees present.
Boulevard Survey – Phil Kunz, Bryan Lewis, Barbara Frank The Commissioners have asked HCTA for survey questions to include in a town-wide survey which will be mailed to all property owners in Fall 2009. Enlightened discussion about what to ask followed at length; it was decided that a small group of Trustees would remain after adjournment of tonight’s meeting to formulate specific questions. Those questions have been offered to the Commissioners but to date we’ve not heard a response nor seen the final form of the survey for HCTA review and input, as promised by the Commissioners.
Committees – Bryan Lewis It was agreed that our committee responsibilities have adjusted in accordance with the times, with the interest and availability of our Board members and the addition of our newest board members. HCTA areas of interest routinely grow into committees in an effort to best serve our members. Trustees present agreed that the Committees realign with primary/secondary trustees as follows:
Safety: Phil Kunz/Bryan Lewis Environment: Bryan Lewis/Michael Pasnick Building & Zoning: Phil Kunz/Jim Loudon Voter Registration: Joe Geiger JCTA: Charlie Gaver/Lena Nerrie Media & Communications: Kathy Ries/Susan Lewis /John Cadmus (web photos) Membership: Jim Loudon/Saul Ellman, Arlene Pollack (volunteer) Fundraising: Lena Nerrie/ Kathy Ries, Susan Lewis
The HCTA officer slate was also addressed and adjusted as follows:
President: Bryan Lewis Vice President: Tom Christopoul Treasurer: Barbara Frank Recording Secretary: rotates among Lena Nerrie, Kathy Ries, Susan Lewis Corresponding Secretary: Susan Lewis Press Secretary: Kathy Ries
The Fall 2009 Message from the President was circulated among the trustees present & approved for distribution to our current membership via email.
Membership – Susan Lewis Dues for 2009-2010 membership year have held steady at just $25 annually, about the price of one beach badge. Membership is up nearly 23% over last year, to 184, with many members actively communicating with the trustees on matters of prime interest. Only 20 members have no email address to accept regular HCTA communication, an improvement of 46% over the previous year . Trustees present also discussed the pursuit of new HC homeowners for welcome, orientation & membership. John Cadmus volunteered to work on this angle of membership leads in cooperation with Jim Loudon & Saul Ellman.
Environment — All Recycling & trash collection concerns were discussed with questions about the possibility of obtaining recycling containers from the county or potentially through a grant program. John Cadmus volunteered to approach the Commissioners about the matter & report back at our next meeting. “Essex Park” is the term referencing to the now vacant conforming buildable lot on East Essex Ave. A second borough-owned buildable lot is located on 76th Street. As reported by the commissioners, there is no funding and no plan to develop the Essex Ave property into a park as previously discussed by the Commissioners. Trustees discussed HC fiscal responsibility and the prospect of getting these two properties back on the tax roles in an effort to improve the borough’s bottom line.
Joint Council of Taxpayer Associations – Charlie Gaver Effective August 2009, with a term of two years, JCTA officers are: President – Pat Moran, North Beach Taxpayers Assoc. Vice President – Rick Jones, LBT 10 Treasurer – Bob Monaco, Loveladies Property Owners Secretary – Charlie Gaver, HCTA Our sincere thanks and congratulations to Charlie Gaver for his service in this regional organization as one of its officers.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.
Next meeting will be on Friday, January 8, 2010