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Board Meeting Minutes May 2010

HCTA Trustees Meeting- May 14, 2010 Ries Residence

Present: BL, PK, SL, CG, JL, SE, LN, MP, KR Absent: TC, KF, BF

The meeting opened with a discussion about recognizing the Trustees that will be leaving at the end of their terms and how we can honor them. A few Trustees volunteered to look into ideas. In addition, Bryan Lewis accepted the resignation of Trustee John C. due to health concerns. Bryan thanked John for his meeting attendance and wished him the best. Bryan will also address Trustees that have not attended meetings. The Board also discussed open Board positions for next year and cultivating members interested in serving as Trustees.

BLVD Safety: Phil and Susan attended the meeting with the County and the Boro on Tuesday, May 4 at Boro Hall. We feel this meeting was planned from the onset with the Boro aware or suggesting of the County’s plans to add flashing lights at three points in town. The County Engineer, Mr. Scrantino, admitted that the lights will “calm “ traffic- not slow it down. Nor will this address the issue of safe ped/jog/bike right of ways that other towns on LIB enjoy. County Admin, Alan Avery had not viewed the Simulation Model and could not comment one way or the other on it’s benefits. Additionally, he commented he is leaving in July and will not see this issue thru. The Boro agreed to set up an appearance at the O C Freeholders meeting so the community can attend and voice our displeasure at the current Blvd configuration.

Treasurer’s Report: Barbara is traveling and submitted a Treasure’s report via mail-received after our meeting. As of May 5, we have had deposits of $4500.00 raised from our membership campaign. Our expenditures were: $55.00 State filing fees, Website development and server fee $566.06, Postage $35.96, JCTA dues $200.00, date stickers to update HCTA Annual Meeting signs $25.68. Our Balance is 9690.30. We have some incoming expenses: flowers for HC Police Officer Angelo Vitale, killed last week, the P.O.Box annual fee, signs for the Annual Town wide Yard Sale and the Annual meeting and printing mailing cost for the Membership letter. Charlie made a motion to have these bills paid when Barbara returns, and Mike seconded. In order to have ballpark idea of our annual expenses, we will ask Barbara to create a list/budget of these recurring expenses.

HCTA Fund Distribution: We previously collected ideas on who and where to distribute our funds. We have previously agreed to be a sponsor of the annual Dog Day Race and the HCBP LIT Tournament. At this meeting we agreed to assist the HC Beach Patrol with some of their needs. We approved an amount and Susan will follow up. Phil suggested we put out a selection of ideas for this year via Survey Monkey or Zoomerang and let our members decide on how to allocate to rest of the funds- the amount to be determined by the Board. We agreed to approve up to $200.00 for this member survey. Bryan reminded the group that as the Trustees, the final decision rests with us. While we should seek suggestions, we should take them under advisement and follow up on them for the next year. The groups that individual Trustees looked into to receive donations are: The HC Beach Patrol, HC LIT program, HC Police Department, HC Fire Department and after our meeting, the HC Fireworks/Activities Committee. We have committed to three ideas and will seek membership input for the rest,

Beach Update: The expected completion of the Beach Replenishment project is mid June. Once the Army Corps completes the southern end of Harvey Cedars, they will return to the north end beaches to repair storm damage. The status of the Flaumenbaum monetary award was discussed. Bryan stated that the case, at this time, is to be heard in July in State Superior Court.

Dog Ordinance: This appears to be shot down. The majority of the Trustees did not favor dogs on our beaches at any time, leash or no leash and sited health concerns, safety of beach goers and liability. Also, witnessing dog owners who do not pick up their dog poop, merely cover it with sand. We do not want HC to attract dogs/owners from other towns to our beaches. Susan will email Daina at Boro Hall for a confirmation.

New Member Campaign: Kudos to Saul and Jim for running an outstanding effort!! Currently we have 134 members up to date members. Jim and Saul’s efforts added 226 new members to our group bringing us to a total of 360 households. Also important was the fact that numerous taxpayer concerns came to light. It was suggested that we group these concerns and follow up. The most expeditious way to follow up is to put them on the website and send a blast email to the membership informing them that this information is posted there. Additionally, a few people want a phone number to reach us. Sorry. We do not have a phone contact. We are a group of taxpayers- like our members- who volunteer our time. The best way to reach us or get information is through the website or e-mail. Jim will go through the list of concerns that he provided us and group them. The Trustees will answer the questions and get back to the membership via the website. Going forward, we will attempt to put out quick, online surveys to keep an eye out. Which Trustee wants to head this up?

Website- Susan. reported that ITFabulous/Andrew has the new website up. We are waiting on the booklet on how to update the content and send blast e-mails. Until we receive it, Susan will forward items to Andrew who will them post. The final bill cannot be paid until we receive the operating instructions.

JCTA- Charlie reported that the school election ad campaign run by the JCT was successful. The Stafford budget passed, but others did not. The JCT asked SRHSD about teacher salaries/freeze/negotiations. The District has not responded to the JCT requests. LBI Consolidated spends about 27K per student and 77K is the average salary. The state average is around 9K. The SPV of LBI Consolidated is retiring. The JCT has received no answers to their written questions from the LBI Consolidated. The Island pays about 80% of the taxation for LBI Consolidated. Bottom line- we need for people to register down here in HC and vote.

2nd Annual HCTA Yard Sale: Kathy- We have 20 taxpayer/homeowners signed up so at this point. The cut off date to accept registrations is next Saturday, May 22. Susan had the 8 x 4 foot signed posted by Sunset Park and Lena will take care of the ‘flashing’ road sign. Kathy will place the ad in the Sandpaper and the Trustees voted to do a bigger ad this year. Once the ‘Treasure Maps’ are complied by Kathy- Lean will get them copied on Tuesday, May 25th for distribution on the morning of the sale. Here are the Trustee jobs: Sat AM sign/flag and Treasure Map distribution at Boro Hall: Mike, Phil, Bryan, Saul and Charlie. PM Flag pick-up: Saul and Susan – south and Jim-north.

The date of the next meeting was not discussed. Barbara Frank volunteered previously to host the next meeting.

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