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Board Meeting Minutes May 2009


Trustee Meeting Minutes- May 1, 2009 – Ries Residence

Present: KR, SL, CG, LN, KP, PK

Absent: JC, TC, ST, BF, BL, MP

President’s Report-(Bryan Lewis): Bryan was absent: Susan reported in his place. We have a few issues before us this month.

1. The “no fireworks” notice sent from the Boro- Several of us have received negative comments about this, many residents are disappointed. The HCTA wonders why the Harvey Cedars Activities Committee(HCAC) did not inform the public that there was a shortfall in donations last year to cover the cost of the Labor Day Fireworks and solicit donations at that time. The HCTA would be happy to assist the HCAC in informing residents of the cost of the fireworks and the need for funding support. We will try to contact them and see if we can be of assistance next year. We all enjoy the annual HC Fireworks event and would be happy to help the HCAC get the word out. 2. Driveway Markings- The HCTA has received no information from the Boro and understands that the issue has be tabled. Conversation with Mayor Jon Oldham revealed that the Commissioners feel that since the State lost the court case in Avalon regarding parking and bathrooms for beach access – it is not a priority here and HC is not required to act presently. Mayor Oldham did state that the time may come when the Boro will have to come up with ideas if faced with a parking situation and would consider forming a citizen panel to come up with ideas on how to address this situation. 3. New Ordinances- The Construction ordinance was passed and was included in the Boro’s April mailing to all homeowners. The status of the buried electrical power line ordinance is that it has had it’s first public reading. The ordinance is proceeding in the pipeline. The town is working with Conectiv’s subcontractor to secure a reduced labor rate and is also working on a “hardship” clause in this ordinance. 4. Beach Replenishment- Conversation with Mayor Oldham revealed that all easements outstanding (with the exception of one) are in and have been submitted. The Army Corps of Engineers is advertising the bid, contractor proposals are to be submitted by mid-June. Once opened and awarded, the project will be online to place sand after the summer season. 5. Questions were raised about a playground being built at the Boro owned vacant lot on West Essex Street. Neighbors in the area are opposed to this park-feeling it is a waste of taxpayer funds. We will contact the Mayor regarding the proposed park.

Treasure’s Report-(Barbara Frank): We have $2900.46 in our account. Among the bills paid this month was the post office box. Barbara will do a complete six month accounting at the next Trustee’s meeting.

Safety Report- (Phil Knuz): Phil restated his information from the last meeting that the computer generated study of Blvd. safety has been completed and the HCTA is awaiting some signal from the Mayor and Commissioners about scheduling a public “Town Meeting” for the county to present their findings. After this trustee meeting, the HCTA discovered that the Harvey Cedars Mayor and Commissioners had viewed the computer generated model and accompanying report and have so far said nothing to the public.. As stated in the minutes last month, the Ocean County contact stated that the safety implications for a three lane model are significant and the County was all about safety. It is a decision by the town to move forward with the improvement project. To the HCTA this seems to be a win/win situation for all concerned. There’s no doubt the governing body would not want a safer Blvd. for our community. The HCTA urges the Commissioners to allow the County to present their findings at a scheduled and advertised public town meeting.

HCTA Yard Sale- (Kathy Ries, Lena Neri, Susan Lewis): We are on target with our Community Yard Sale plans. The HCTA thanks the Mayor and Commissioners for their support of this first annual town-wide event and especially thank the ladies at Boro Hall for collecting registrations for us. If you plan to participate in the community wide sale event, please mail in your form and registration fee ASAP. This helps us to organize and insure that you are listed in the HC Sellers Booklet made available to the public. Mayor Oldham has agreed to assist the HCTA in promoting the event with use of the Boro’s flashing road sign; advertisements will appear in the Sandpaper in two weeks.

Joint Council of Taxpayers Association- (Charlie Gaver): Charlie reported that the school budgets passed. The JCT is looking to support new candidates for the open Board of Education (BOE) positions. If anyone is interested in running for a BOE position, the HCTA would be happy to put you in contact with those who could assist you in your campaign. Charlie has been tapped by outgoing JCT President Bill Knarre to serve as JCT Secretary next year. The HCTA Trustees see no conflict of interest, and are very happy for Charlie. We know the JCT will benefit with Charlie on board as Secretary. Like HCTA, JCT will appreciate Charlie Gaver sharing his knowledge and his willingness to step up to the plate to help and follow thru. Congratulations to our friend.

Website(Susan Lewis)- We were unable to post the graphic art advertising the “Island wide Green Clean-up” due to graphic difficulties with our website host. Our volunteer website assistant- Andrew, is trying to work out these “kinks” with the server coordinator.

Next meeting: Friday, June 26th

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