HCTA Trustee Meeting Minutes- Friday, March 27, 2009 Kunz Residence Present: PK, LN, KR, ST, MP, JC, BL,SL, CG Absent: BF, TC, KP
1. President’s Report: Bryan updated the attending Trustees on the status of the Beach Replenishment in Harvey Cedars. The last of the “14 day” letters were sent out. At this point, one resident on 83rd Street, is fighting the Boro. Mayor Jon Oldham went to Washington to lobby Senator Lautenberg and Representative Adler. Both offices were welcoming and positive in their response to Mayor Oldham. Harvey Cedars is set to begin receiving sand after the summer beach/tourism season. A note, Long Beach Township declared the month of April as “Beach Restoration and Protection Month” and hosted a ceremonial easement signing. The Brant Beach section of the township is scheduled to receive sand after Harvey Cedars. We’ll keep HCTA members informed as more information becomes available.
Two Ordinances have been proposed: the first ordinance on weekend Construction work has been submitted for publication for the 1st reading. This is in response to complaints about the hours and days that contractors work on homes. The Commissioners are proposing that from July 1 thru Labor Day, contractors only be allowed to work on homes from the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm. Homeowners working on their own homes would be exempt from the ordinance.
The second ordinance-burying power lines for houses that are doing renovations worth more than 50% of the value of the house. When homes are rebuilt, power lines would be re-routed underground. This proposal is still being discussed based in input from the HCTA and Phil Kunz, in particular, considering those homeowners that are across the street from a utility pole.
The Commissioners are concerned about the sight triangles on street corners. With more landscaping going in, they feel that the reduced sight lines are causing safety issues when drivers are turning. They want to know our thoughts on this issue. The HCTA Trustees feel the Boro has language in place to address this issue without creating another ordinance; we feel the best solution is for the Boro to enforce the rules that they already have, then re-evaluate.
2.The HCTA-Sponsored Community Yard Sale proposed by Lena Neri at the last meeting. This great idea was followed up with logistics details from Kathy Ries. The HCTA Proposes sponsoring a “Community Yard Sale” on Saturday, May 23, 2009. For a $5.00 fee, the homeowner would receive a sign and balloon to mark their home on the day of the sale. The HCTA would list them in a “Buyer’s Bargins Booklet”. This would be available for pick-up on sale day at Boro Hall or earlier at the post office and other locations. The town would waive the usual $5.00 fee and let the garbage company know that there might be more trash than normal put out for pick-up following the sale weekend. The town would also be listed on our signs as a co-sponsor. (-Brought to you by the HCTA and the Boro of Harvey Cedars). There are no other expenses to the town. The HCTA feels the registration fee that we charge will cover the expenses of newspaper advwertising, balloons, and printing. See below for more info:
Seller Experience: Receive: E-mail announcement from the HCTA Sign Up: By mail to the HCTA or drop off at Boro Hall Sat of event: Pick up sign and balloon. Make money and get rid of unwanted items!
Buyer Experience: See ad in Sandpaper. Go to Boro Hall on Fri or Sat to pick up address list. Shop!!
HC Boro Requirements: Advance: Accept Yard Sale registrations: Keep aside for HCTA pick up. Put out flashing road sign announcing HC Lawn Sale two weekends prior- Jon Oldham Post to Boro website and calendar. Fri & Sat: Serve as distribution site for “Buyer’s Bargins Booklet” list of sales.
HCTA Requirements: Purchase Balloons and Helium: Lena Neri Advertising -Sandpaper: Kathy Ries Advertising- Blast emails/website: Susan Lewis Printing: Signs, List of Sales- Colored signs- Kathy Ries Posting signs in neighborhoods- all Trustees Sat AM staff at Boro Hall: hand out balloons/signs: Bryan Lewis, Phil Kunz, Michael Pasnick Stop HCTA mail forward to Barbara in Florida. Kathy will collect until Barbara returns on May 19th.
3. Blvd Safety: A hot topic at the last HCTA Annual Meeting was Blvd. safety. Phil Kunz has been in contact with the county and received updates on the traffic safety study that they have been working on. To the surprise of some, the computer generated model using a three lane configuration showed a “significant increase in safety”. Below is Phil’s report:
The preliminary Blvd. Study model is complete. Based on the findings, the three lane concept provides a greater level of safety with a minor level of degradation to traffic flow during peak times. According to the county contact, the increased level of safety is far greater than the minor flow degradation and he is in full support of the change if the town agrees. There a few overlays being added to the model and once complete, the county representative will contact the mayor in order to schedule a meeting to present the model and findings-not only to the commissioners, but to the community as well. I have not seen the model but I imagine with the increased shoulders/bike lane and the “significant increase in safety” this will prove to be benefit to the community.
Some addition details to add: The Blvd is currently scheduled by the county to be repaved in 2010. The timing could work out very well here if the Boro Commissioners agree. HCTA Trustee, Phil Kunz stated the county “is all about safety” and will work with the HCTA and the Boro to schedule a town wide meeting to present the traffic study findings. As available, more information will follow.
4. Trash Corrals/Driveway Designation: This issue was discussed at the Fall Trustee meeting with Jon Oldham in attendance. A this point, there is no new information from the Boro. Bryan will follow up with the Mayor and report at the next meeting.
5. Taxes: Samir Tadros attended the Boro Budget Review meeting. We appreciate the Boro extending the invitation to us to attend. He questioned several line items and inquired about more “shared services” with other communities on the Island. As our Representative to the Joint Council of Taxpayers on LBI, Charlie Gaver is informed on this topic and is in support of the committee that looks at this issue and makes recommendations to increase shared services and reduce the tax burden. The biggest % of our tax dollars goes to the Southern Regional School District, the next highest tax percentage goes to Ocean County. Unlike other towns on the Island, Harvey Cedars property valuation rate is 98.91% of home value. In contrast, Long Beach Township homes valuation rate is 84%. Mayor Oldham explained that the closer assessed value is to 100%, the less we get hit for the county and school taxes. Ocean County says it is trying to equalize this between municipalities. At this point it looks like there will be a slight decrease in taxes from both the LBT and the Southern Regional School Districts. One idea that was suggested was for Samir to look into the number of lots owned by the town that could the sold and added to the HC tax rolls.
6. State of NJ Paperwork: Michael Pasnick has completed our new registration paperwork for the state. This was signed and sent in.
7. Treasurer’s Report: Barbara sent word that we have $3266.74. in our account.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
The next meeting of the HCTA Trustees will be held on Friday, May 1st at the Ries residence