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Board Meeting Minutes June 2010

HCTA 6.25.10 Trustee Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held at the Frank Residence, Harvey Cedars, NJ

Present: Barbara Frank, Michael Pasnik, Saul Ellman, Jim Loudon, Charlie Gaver, Bryan Lewis (delayed arrival), Phil Kunz

PK distributed the meeting agenda (see “Attachment A”) that was provided by Bryan & Susan Lewis.

1. The filling of open officer positions/new trustees- discussion on the matter was originally postponed until BL arrival.

Upon Bryan’s arrival the following positions were agreed to: President: Bryan Lewis,

VP: Phil Kunz, Recording Sec.: Shared responsibility to be rotated among all trustees with the exception of Charlie since he does all of the JCT minutes,

Corresponding Sec.: eliminated, Treasurer: Jim Loudon, Media: Kathy Ries, JCT: Charlie Gaver, Membership: Saul Ellman, Legal: Michael Pasnik, Website: Susan Lewis, Safety: Phil Kunz

2. Saul offered JI as a board of trustee candidate. Barbara suggested the formation of candidate interview committee so both the board and candidate would have an opportunity to become familiar with the others expectations and responsibilities. It was decided that Bryan and Barbara would meet with the nominee and sponsor.

Michael introduced a resolution (see “Attachment B”) to amend the HCTA

3. By-Laws. Modifications were discussed and approved. Michael will be sending the revised version for final approval.

4. Barbara read aloud the “BLVD next step” portion of Bryan’s notes from a conversation he had with the Mayor (see “Attachment C”). In short the Mayor feels he needs to reach out to the Mayor’s of the neighboring towns in order to make sure they understand the proposed design in hopes of gaining their support. Jon plans to set up an informal meeting with Freeholder Kelly and HCTA representatives sometime after 7.4.10 to discuss the BLVD.

5. The yard sale was discussed and a re-cap provided by Kathy was distributed (see “Attachment C”). Phil reported that both the Mayor and commissioner Gerkens suggested that the event not be held on Memorial Day weekend because of the increased amount of traffic. The group noted that there will always be traffic on Memorial Day weekend and there is also probably a benefit having it the same day as Barnegat Light’s. The group agreed that the event should remain on Memorial Day weekend.

6. Jim reported that the membership drive added 254 new members bring the membership total to 388. As a result of the new member applications Jim provided a categorized list of concerns and issues the HCTA should address (see “Attachment D”). Jim noted that the BLVD was the number one concern.

7. Bryan reported on the status of HCTA’s $1500 donation towards umbrellas for the HC Beach Patrol. The preferred type of umbrella is out of stock. The beach patrol suggested they also could use other items such as rescue cans and paddle boards. Michael pointed out that since that since these items were used for life safety situations there could be an issue of liability exposure if the HCTA actually provided the equipment as apposed to providing the money for the proper authority to purchase the equipment. There was further discussion about the idea of the donation was also to be an opportunity to advertise the HCTA. Phil and Saul offered to investigate other sources for the preferred umbrella. Bryan said he will provide the manufacture and model number.

8. Bryan provided a beach replenishment update based on his conversation with the Mayor. The north end is complete, the contractor was going back to the south end to push sand back on HC beaches that migrated into North Beach, and dune and access path fencing was still being installed. It was noted that the path fencing had to be reorder due to a connection size mismatch between the posts and rails.

9. Bryan provided information on the relatively low cost for online survey services like Survey Monkey and Zoomerang for future polling of the membership on issues and topics. The group approved the expenditure (I do not recall the annual cost reported).

10. By virtue of notes on the meeting agenda Susan reported that all signage for the HCTA annual meeting has been ordered, purchased and received. The group agreed that the planning for the annual meeting will be discussed at the next Trustees meeting which will be held at 7:30 PM, July 23, at Phil’s house. (Please note that since it is summer we can not park in the neighboring yards. You can park along the fence of the easement, or on 76th street and who ever can fit in the driveway. Thanks!)


Resolved that the Board of Trustees amend the By-Laws of Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association as follows:

The President of the Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association together with a majority vote of the Trustees may, at their option, require the resignation of any Trustee who does not attend at least fifty percent (50%) of the Association’s scheduled monthly meetings. In determining whether or not such action shall be taken, consideration shall be given to the Trustee’s residence and participation in other aspects of the Association’s operation such as their participation as an Officer or on Sub Committees.

Please advise

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