Trustee Meeting Minutes – June 26, 2009 Kunz Residence
Present: BK, KR, SL, BL, LN, JC, CG, ST, PK Absent: TC, KP, MP
President’s Report-(Bryan Lewis): Bryan and Phil attended the meeting with the county and members of the community selected by Mayor Oldham to show the County Engineer’s simulation model of the Blvd. reconfigured into three lanes (one lane each way with a center turn lane, plus a ten foot wide bike and pedestrian path on either side). In the opinion of the county official and the contract engineer, this model proved to be much safer for vehicles and pedestrians and only slowed travel from one end of town to the other by 30 seconds. The County will do two more traffic counts in town on 2 separate weekends in July.
Information regarding the Beach Replenishment is that the full funding is currently available and the sand should start pumping on our beaches this fall.
Bryan put forth the idea of Trustees starting to rotate off the Board so new blood can rotate in. Being on the HCTA Board means participation in meetings and events. Please think about your participation level and consider resigning to allow new Trustees to join.
Our HCTA Third Annual meeting will take place on Saturday, August 29 at 9:00 am at the High Point Fire House.
Treasurer’s Report-(Barbara Frank): Barbara submitted a 6 month report. In January, the HCTA had $3266.00. As of Jun 26, 2009 we have $3065.33 in our account. If we maintain a certain balance, B of A waives the account fee. Barbara reminds the manager as needed to waive the banking fees for the HCTA.
Safety Report-(Phil Kunz): Phil had nothing to add to Bryan’s report on the Blvd. other than to state that they were watching this issue closely and he will attend any meeting the Borough or County requests. This safety issue in very important to him and Phil wants to see this plan implemented sooner rather that later, as the County is willing to proceed as soon as possible.
Joint Council of Taxpayers-(Charlie Gaver): Charlie was elected at Secretary of this group last month. The issue the group is vetting is school merger and consolidation. This would be good for the children, but bad for the taxpayers and could cost the island more that $20 million in tax increases. (an increase of over 40%). The detriment to the JCT is that not a lot of their Board members can vote- most live elsewhere. This is the same for the HCTA. Charlie again raised the question of Harvey Cedars homeowners splitting their votes and having one adult household member register to vote in Harvey Cedars. Charlie announced that the HC BOE rep resigned. Note: After the Trustee Meeting, Harvey Cedars Commissioners conducted a number of interviews and selected Mr. Terry Deakyne, Owner of Island Surf and Sail in Brant Beach as the HC BOE Representative.
HCTA Town Wide Yard Sale- (Kathy Ries, Lena Nerri, Susan Lewis): We were happy with the results of what we hope to be our Annual Town-Wide Lawn Sale. Although our purpose was to provide a community service to our town and increase the HCTA exposure within our community, we earned a profit around $175.00 Next year we would like to focus on promoting HCTA membership and enlist greater volunteer participation from our members. Things we would change would be to have a ‘hard’ cut off date, shop out the printing of the signs and buyers booklets and perhaps have larger flags. We received compliments from our shoppers and sellers with one complaint from someone who did not meet the deadline to get into the booklet.
Website-(Susan Lewis): Our Assistant Webmaster, Andrew, proposed creating an independently operated site. Because of our slim budget, we are not sure we can pay him the ‘going rate’ to do this, but it was suggested that Andrew give us a proposal and we will proceed from there.
Our next meeting will be Friday, July 31st at 7:30