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August 2012 Trustee Meeting Minutes

HCTA Trustees Meeting Minutes Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kunz residence

Present: K Ries, S Ellman, B Lehman, B Lewis, P Kunz, J Loudon, J Cadmus, S Lewis, B Palestri

Absent: J Imperiale

Trustees Susan Lewis and John Imperiale are stepping down from their Trustee positions. The HCTA Board thanks them for their service to our organization and welcomes to the group new Trustee, Bob Palestri.

President Kunz began the meeting with introductions and background of Bob Palestri.


* Phil had initiated a petition in support of a safer BLVD online at A short discussion commenced. There are no political affiliations with this group and the HCTA will possibly open an account to reach a broader audience.

* Gov. Christie has not responded to the letter the HCTA help Mayor Oldham to craft. Saul will followup on this.

* Jim suggested planning a rally in support of a safer BLVD. Trustees liked this idea- Susan suggested piggy backing onto the Trustee meeting some how since many are in attendance- or How about LABOR Day weekend? This was left open and not resolved. (NOTE: this is a good idea. Does anyone want to research and possibly do this the Sat morning of Labor Day weekend? Invite press? Phil speak? Do we need a permit at the park? Paint signs? Can a couple of Trustee’s volunteer to take ownership of this and let’s get this together!!)

* Kathy said she has had contact with Matthew Norris. He is with Tri State Transportation Campaign, and conversations are about doing a Walkability Survey in HC.

* There were two accidents in HC this week involving bikers and walkers. Phil will contact Chief Preisser to get more info on these accidents.

* Saul suggested paying teens to walk the beach in LL and NB to collect signatures on our petition. Susan will followup with her daughter’s friends to see if they would be interested.

*We discussed the fact that there are only a few people attending the Ocean Co Freeholders Meeting and then we went on to other business. John C proposes we get the date for the next meeting and invite all our members attending our annual meeting who have concerns about Boulevard safety join us at the next meeting. John stated he would be willing to see a show of hands at the meeting of those who would be will to attend the next Freeholder’s Meeting…


* Meeting assignments were sent out this week. Jobs are as follows:

Greeters: Kathy and Jim L, jr.

New member table: Saul and Jim L, Sr.

Member renew table: Barbara and Bob- A to J, John- K to Z.

Floater: Phil

Trustees meet at 8:30 for room set up and to fill and refridge water pitchers.Jon Oldham will me us to set up mike system, etc.

9:30-doors open

10:00 meeting starts

Donations will be made to the High Point Fire Dept for use of their space and to the HC Bible Conf. for use of their sound system.

Susan will give Jim all meeting supplies that she has. Jim will purchase cash boxes for event and bring change, etc. Our Large sign was posted by Public works- BUT not on the sign board, It was placed on the fence at Public Works where it is hidden by cars. John C felt it is key to our meeting attendance to have the large sign placed on the sign board. For the past few years, our signs have been placed on the fence (for the Annual Yard Sale AND the Annual Meeting). Barbara and John both volunteered to address this with Diana at Public works and Daina at town hall.


Jim sent a donation to the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee in support of the town’s Labor Day Fireworks show and a sponsorship check for the Dog Day race.

Since Saul sent out the membership recruitment letter, we have had 140 paid memberships come in. Our account now has over $16,000. in it and the Trustees will seek membership input at the Annual meeting as to how to disperse of some of this money. Note: We want to keep at least two years of operating expenses in the fund. If we get member suggestions at the Annual meting, we will ask those members to assist the Trustees in the research of the idea (costs, ability to institute, etc). The Trustees will then present this research at the next Trustee meeting and the Board will vote on and proceed with these projects to better our town.

JCTA: Barbara answered Bob’s questions on Island consolidation of services and school funding- particularly Southern Regional High School District. Note: The Island pays for over 80% of that Districts budget throughout our taxes. It is important to note that Harvey Cedars again, reduced or kept even our tax liability. The majority of our increases come from the SRHSD or Ocean County. The Joint Taxpayers Council is mulling over the idea of hiring a lawyer to look at de-regionalizing the school district. Bob asked to attend the meeting with Barbara ( and John C) and was heartily welcomed. JCTA meetings are held the first Monday evening of every month at the Library in Ship Bottom.


* With Susan no longer on the HCTA Board, all Paypal membership info will be forwarded to Jim. All website comments will be forwarded to Kathy. Susan will still do some website content updating, can post meeting notes if needed and send out the President’s Newletters, etc. BUT THE NOTE TAKER MUST SEND THEM!!

* The next HCTA Trustee meeting will be held on Friday, Sept 28 (Chowderfest Weekend) at 8pm at the Cadmus home.

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