April Meeting Minutes- Cadmus home
Present: B Lewis, S Lewis, J Loudon, P Kunz, J Cadmus, M Pasnick, S Ellman, J Imperial.
Absent: B Lehman, B Frank, K Ries.
President: JCT Representative Charlie Gaver emailed his resignation, stating he would like to complete his term as Secretary for the JCTA. Bryan agrees that he should honor his committement to that organization. The HCTA Board thanks him for his service. After quick Board reports, this Trustee meeting will be a working/brain storming meeting regarding BLVD/Safety strategy.
Treasurer : Jim stated that we have $8924.89 on our account as of 3/31/11. He paid the bill for our beach umbrella donation to the HC Beach Patrol. Susan added that we purchased enough umbrellas to cover every life guard stand including the Bay Beach, with two extras as spares. They are dark green and white with ‘Donated by the HCTA’ printed on them.
Membership: Saul is working on the Spring membership drive letter and the group previously approved the expenditures associated with this. Saul and Jim spoke to businesses in the Fall- getting face time with about 65% of HC business owners. No new businesses joined. Two local businesses renewed. Saul will now seek businesses outside of HC as ‘Advertisers’ on our website for about the same price as a HC Business membership.
JCTA: Barbara is out of the country for work reasons and will update us at our next meeting. Note: They will have openings for Treasurer and Secretary positions on their Board in May.
BLVD/Safety: Phil and Bryan provided an update to current staus. The HC Mayor and Commissioners wrote a letter in support of the BLVD re-striping that was sent to The Sandpaper, local officials and other papers in the area. We want our members to keep up the letter writing- at this time voicing their support for our Mayor and Commissioners and our right to have a safer road in HC.
We would like to produce a series of Ads in the Sandpaper. John Cadmus stated he has ‘connections’ and will check ad prices for us. John Imperial will look into robo call prices. Phil’s friend John Demming can advise os in AVI website and Susan will check with our site host Andrew on prices to create a BLVD specific site.
We need to address ‘talking’ points’, BLVD website content, Ad series content, review results of brainstorming, etc. After working on this for 2.5 hours, the group decided to have a smaller committee complete the BLVD plans and then present to the entire group. This will consist of Phil, Kathy, Jim, Bryan, Saul with input from other Trustees as they desire and are available.
The next meeting wil be on Friday, May 6th at 8pm at the Loudon home.