Public Notice – Harvey Cedars FEMA Grant Availability to Residents
The Borough of Harvey Cedars will be making application through the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program for a grant to qualified property owners to elevate their home. This is a reimbursement grant, therefore, should funds be made available, the property owner will be responsible for hiring and paying their contractor in full, providing a receipt to the Municipality for reimbursement submission. The Grant may provide 50% to 75% of the cost to elevate. The remaining 25% to 50% cost share, plus any administrative cost born by the municipality must be provided by the property owner. The Municipal Engineer estimates the average project cost to range between fifty (50,000) and one hundred and ten (110,000) Thousand Dollars. Should funds be available, properties awarded funds would be required to post an escrow with the Municipality prior to the commencement of any work to cover administrative costs. Persons interested in being placed on the list may visit the to review a list of qualifications and information needed to be placed on the Initial Letter of Intent.