Get Your 2014 SEASONAL Beach Badges- thru JUNE 15!
Attention residents: The HC seasonal beach badges are now on sale for $30.00 per badge at the pre-season rate. After June 15th, the price increases to $40.00 per badge.
The badges are valid in HC only and are required for everyone over the age of 11.
All checks must be postmarked by June 15 in order to qualify for the pre-season rate and made out to: Borough of Harvey Cedars.
The mailing address is: PO Box 3185, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008.
Pre-season badges can be picked up at Borough Hall: W 76th Street thru Friday, Jun 20th. Beginning on Saturday, June 21st, all badges will be available for pickup at the beach badge booth located at Sunset Park.
If you are 65 or older- you MUST purchase your reduced rate Senior Badge in person and bring ID with you.