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July Trustee Meeting Minutes

HCTA July Meeting Minutes Kunz residence

Present: BL, PK, JL, SE, SL, BF, BAL Absent: MP, JC, JI, KR

President: see BLVD report.

Treasure Report: Jim submitted his report- showing the activity for the first six months of the year. He updated us on out tax exempt status and the IRS letter: The Gov’t changed the guidelines for tax exempt status but di not notify organizations. We will have to file a postcard type form every year with the IRS to retain our status. The re-instatement fee is $100.00 and the HCTA President will have to sign annually. This is different from the previous procedures.

Membership: We have 15 additional members this month. Jim gave Saul the newly recieved forms from the po box.

JCTA– there was no meeting this month. The next meeting will be held on August 2. Barbara might have a conflict. She will ask John Cadmus to commit to attending either way.

BLVD: Bryan sent an open letter to Mayors Mancini (LBT) and Larson (BL) asking them to contact him (or Jon Oldham) to set up a time to meet face to face and discuss the BLVD. Because of the article in the July 15 Asbury Park Press about Mancini wanting to close off Ocean Blvd part of the day for walkers/joggers/bikers, the HCTA is hopeful we share common goals on the road safety issue and can have a positive conversation. Bryan shared this letter with the Asbury Park Press and contacted the article reporter inviting him to come to Harvey Cedars and discuss the issue and lack of action on the part of the Freeholders with the HCTA, the Mayor, etc. This is set up for next week.

The only response to Bryan’s letter was from Dan Malay of BL. Although he did not identify himself as such, he is Mayor Larson’s son in law. He stated he was thinking about asking Mayor Larson(dad) to form a committee to speak to the HCTA. Now, he feels this letter and our ad will make that imposible. We have his letter to the Sandpaper in February urging his dad in law to not allow the road reconfiguration. Given his statement in writing, we seriously doubt his stated intentions to ‘consider’ speaking with the HCTA. If he wants to talk to us, we are happy to!

Barbara L feels bikers are contributing to the problem and wondered if the police pull them over or address this issue? We have no information on this. Phil asked her to investigate this with HCPD Chief Preiser and report back.

Susan attended the Boro Commissioners meeting on Tuesday to ask for funds to assist us with the BLVD educational awareness campaign. The Boro committed $1500.00 to be put towards informational ads and posters/handbills only. All bills must be sent to the Boro.

3inHC Educational Awareness campaign: this will feature a series of ads to be placed in the Sandpaper for the next 5-6 weeks. We will address the issues and attempt to inform the public and answer questions in an informative, attention grabbing and sometimes humorous manner. We have also priced yard signs, car magnets and t-shirts in an attempt to get our slogan ‘3 in HC’ out there. Saul suggested putting little ads ‘3 in HC’ though out the Sandpaper- good idea.

This week a blast email will go out to the membership informing them of the “Open Mayor letter”, asking them to step up and support us through letter writing and see if anyone can volunteer or assist with donation of goods/ services/expertise. The Blvd sub-committee will continue to work on this effort and update Trustees as needed.

Annual meeting: Susan reported we appear set with the space and updated date numbers for the signs have been ordered. The agenda is being put together and an email detailing meeting day jobs and the flow will be sent out to trustees in a few weeks. One time consuming ask will be to go thru the email lists and send email ‘tickets’ to the new/renewed members and ‘please pay/join us’ to those who have not yet rejoined.

We discussed open Board positions, who will stay in their offices and suggestions for new Trustees.


Pres- Phil


Treasure- Jim

Corresponding/website- Susan


Membership- Saul


JCTS- Barbara L and John C

Legal- Mike

After five years on the HCTA Board- four as Treasurer, Barbara Frank will be stepping down. We sincerely appreciate her contributions and time to this organization.

We discussed possible new Trustees and who will investigate/follow up with each candidate.

We will coordinate the Annual meeting via email. The next Trustee meeting will be a brief re-cap after the Annual meeting clean-up. Please plan to stay at least 30-45 minutes

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