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Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Photos

From Volunteer Firefighter Jay Zimmerman: HC Update 10/31/12 : We just spent the past 6 hours securing houses and turning off gas + electric. It was my first look at the ocean front homes. It wasn't good. Basically every single oceanfront home from roughly 68th street in Harvey cedars (south) has moderate-severe damage. Seeing 3 feet of sand inside someone's home and their sofa in the driveway really hit home for me. I'm dreading tomorrow. I picked up several photos in the debris on cape may ave. in hopes to return them to their owner. The boulevard has been cleared of sand and most debris. The Boro boys, county officials and some volunteers with equipment have been working round the clock to get the roads clear. Residents remaining are still being urged to leave. They can leave with their own vehicles now that the blvd is passable. ============================================================== ============================================================== ///Google and NOAA have put together some nice maps that allow you to see the entire Harvey Cedars beachfront. You will need to make sure you zoom all the way in by selecting the + and - symbols at the corner of the maps. Also select post imagery from right navigation. Google Crisis MapNOAA Sandy Imagery /// Here are some aftermath photos of Harvey Cedars that members of the HCTA found online.

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