Dear Harvey Cedars Taxpayer,
It’s been a busy year to say the least. Please join the HARVEY CEDARS TAXPAYER ASSOCIATION Board of Trustees for our Annual Meeting on Saturday, August 31st at the Harvey Cedars Firehouse on 80th Street. Doors open at 9:20am, the meeting will begin at 10:00am.
The past year’s efforts will be presented along with the challenges that are before us. Items we’ll be covering include Superstorm Sandy Outreach & Recovery, Beach Replenishment, Property Taxes & School Taxes, Boulevard Safety, HCTA community participation and much more.
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, we will hold a moderated Q&A period with HC Mayor Jonathan Oldham.
Please bring your $25.00 annual dues (cash or check) if you have not already mailed it in. Checks may be made payable to HCTA. Once you have paid dues and verified that we have your current contact information, you will gain admittance to the meeting room. If you’re already an HCTA Member, we thank you for continuing to support HCTA; keep an eye out for your “ticket” email to come through shortly.
Of special note, at this year’s meeting we will also have “Make Harvey Cedars Safer” t-shirts available for sale (while supplies last).
Your generous support ensures we are able to continue our work. We look forward to seeing you at the Firehouse on Saturday the 31st!
The HCTA Board of Trustees