Over 150 people filled the meeting room at the Ocean County Freeholders meeting to advocate for a safer BLVD thru Harvey Cedars on Wednesday, Aug 7th. 23 citizens in favor of making the BLVD safer for all who use it, spoke to the Board and addressed a multitude of safety concerns. The HCTA would like to thank everyone that took the time to attend this important meeting. For links to media coverage of yesterday’s meeting click below:
Media Coverage
The Sandpaper covered us July 29, CLICK HERE.
Sandpaper article Aug 8, CLICK HERE.
Asbury Park Press article, CLICK HERE.
WOBM has two pre-meeting stories on their site, CLICK HERE to see them.
WOBM was at the meeting too, CLICK HERE to see the “after” story.
Here are a few photos from the event.
