Seasonal Beach Badges are currently available for purchase from the Borough at the pre-season rate of $30.00. Beach badges are required for all persons over the age of 11 and all orders must be postmarked by June 15 to qualify for the pre-season rate of $30.00. Any orders postmarked AFTER June 15 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
It’s important to note that Badges will not be mailed to buyers, but can be picked up at Borough Hall on West 76th St. thru June 22nd. After June 22, all badges will be available at the beach badge booth located at Sunset Park. If you are a Senior (age 65 and over) you must purchase your badge in person at Borough Hall and provide proof of age.
Please make checks payable to the Borough of Harvey Cedars. Mail to PO Box 3185, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008. All checks sent must be for badges only- please do not combine badge purchase with other payments. Your cancelled check will be your receipt.
We look forward to enjoying a beautiful summer on the beach! Make sure you purchase your badges to support the Borough in it’s efforts to keep our beaches clean and safe.