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Fall 2010 – HCTA Board Meeting Minutes

HCTA Board of Trustees Meeting 9/24/10

Home of Saul Ellman, 7:30pm

Present: Charlie Gaver, Barbara Frank, John Cadmus, John Imperiale, Bryan Lewis, Susan Lewis, Phil Kunz, Saul Ellman, Jim Loudon.

Not present: Barbara Lehman, Michael Pasnick.

Mayor’s report (Bryan): Flumenbaums’ federal court victory — because they own riparian rights all the way out into the water AND that the beach access way (theirs is a vehicle access street) is located partly in their riparian tract. The judicial victory earned them $150K + legal fees; 9% will be paid by Boro of HC.

A second suit is still pending; no timeline.

Blvd (Phil): Ocean County has collected the data obtained by the new flashing speed control signs on LB Blvd in town. The devices collect data even when signs are off. The County has requested a mtg w/a couple of us in early Oct. Could give them fuel for the argument to turn the newly installed flashers into working lights. Saul learned from a workman on the street pole that there ARE working lights going in there. Jon Oldham & Mike Garafalo have a suggestion of doing three lanes in the ctr of town (only); though Garafolo wants it through the whole town. Mayor Oldham wants to find a way to convince the two neighboring mayors (Larson, Mancini) to take a neutral stance with the County but it’s unlikely. All negative letters in Sandpaper were focused on travel time through town. The mayors may convert quickly when it comes to light that adding three working traffic signals in HC will significantly slow traffic through town, much more than 28 seconds. All involved in the discussion are still saying it’ll be resolved before the scheduled 2013 resurfacing.

Action steps:

— Press & Advertising: Three papers (wintertime) BHT, Press of AC, AP Press would be best venues. Freeholder Jack Kelly remains the toughest challenge. Bryan will write letter to editor regarding the reasonably high likelihood of three new traffic lights planned for HC (quote from Jack Kelly).

— Direct Messaging Campaign: Designed to reach full time residents north of us. Cadmus deferred being in charge of getting mailing list off; Saul will go ask BL and LBT. Content same as/similar to letter to editor content.

— Lobbying: Bryan will try to set an informal mtg w/ the leaders of the three TPA organizations north of us to discuss disseminate the info to their members.

— Model Modification: synchronized model may/may not be available to us to insert three traffic lights to the model & recheck times. Phil might be able to ask Jack Kelly if he’d be willing add three lights and their respective proposed timing to the computer model (by Stantec)

— Check Existing Lights: Saul will go out & time the lights in HC, BL, SC to see how long lights are timed presently. This may change through the year.

JCTA (Charlie): Nothing new. Other TPAs (SC) have advertised to get an item on the ballot to try to force the SC City Hall expansion to be placed on the November ballot so that the taxpayers could vote on whether it made more sense to expand the current building rather than build a new one at something like double the cost; and also to put any expenditure over $1.5 million on the ballot in the future.

Treasurers Report (Jim): See attached. Bryan recommends keeping a “low” of $4,000 (3 years of operating expenses) in our account and spend around it for projects & misc.

— Barb F recommends sending an email out to folks who haven’t renewed yet; Saul will write letter circulate to all board members for edits.

— Jim would have liked to find an interest-earning place for some of our money. Two under discussion were “Select Business Interest Maximizer” 1/10th of one percent and a 9-month CD (risk free) at 4/10th of one percent. Susan suggested looking at ING which is paying 1.1% for savings accounts and can be transfered online.

Correspondence (Susan): Susan will write to the new member brought to our attention by Charlie.

Membership (Saul): 341 members today.

Other Biz:

Helipad (Bryan): Jon Oldham asked Bryan if it would be good for HC to lease a helipad at Sunset Park to earn $40,000. Response: Not at all!

Old File (Phil): Phil has the old HCTA file re: traffic conversion from two lanes to four but nothing of substance was found.

Scholarship (Susan): Joe Krug Scholarship discussion. Barb F is concerned w/ giving away money in an activity that doesn’t directly support our mission. Most trustees agreed. We are looking for ways to utilize our money not simply distribute funds because we have them.

Fireworks (Charile): rec’d a letter from Judy w/ his donation check returned indicating all is on hold because HC is doing fireworks every other year (news to us!) AND there’s a home being built on Salem Ave that will be located in what is now the “fire zone” and this may preclude having fireworks launched from Sunset Park ever again.

Next mtg: Friday, January 28, 2011 at 7:30pm. Location TBD.

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