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BLVD Safety Info

Borough ‘Open House’ Held on Aug 27: The borough held a town wide ‘open house’ to review the results of the County’s Traffic Study of the Blvd. At the Borough’s request, the County did 2 additional traffic counts on the Blvd over two July weekends to make sure the Blvd Safety Study accounted for peak time traffic volumes. In reality, the actual weekend numbers were less than used in the previous model presented to the town. The County engineer presented the computer simulation of traffic with the actual peak numbers under the proposed changes, so property owners could see the actual roadway in action.

It is the intention of the Borough this fall, to ask the homeowners their opinion of the model and if you are in favor of the changes. As we have stated, the HCTA board is agreement with both the County and the engineering firm – this change is a much safer alternative to the current configuration, and only increases transit time through the entire length of town by 30 seconds, a trade-off we think well worth it. We don’t think someone needs to be killed in an accident to affect change. We believe that after you see the model in action, you will agree as well. When your survey arrives from the Borough, please respond to it and let them know how you feel.

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