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2011 Annual Meeting Notes

HCTA Annual Meeting Notes – Sept 3, 2011 (rescheduled due to Hurricane Irene)

Welcome to the 2011 Annual Meeting:

Thanks to our outgoing Trustees Barbara Frank and Charlie Gaver. Both served on the HCTA Board since the resurgence of the HCTA. Thanks also to Andrew Shaffer who volunteers his technical expertise to assist with our website. Andrew has been invaluable and we appreciate his time.

Bryan Lewis concludes three years as President. Phil Kunz is installed at the 3rd President of the HCTA.

What we’ve accomplished this year:

The HCTA made a ‘community donation’ of new beach umbrellas for the HC Beach Patrol.

We hosted the Community Yard Sale again this year. One addition for next year: we’re working to enlist Goodwill to pick up unsold items after next year’s sale. Tentatively, we hope to have a central drop off at Sunset Park the Sunday after the sale.

Pertinent community information is on our website. Additionally, we will ad reverse 911 sign-up info you members and family members ( in case you are not available ).

Board Reports:

Treasurer Jim Loudon: Acct Balance: 2010 Meeting: $9000.00/ 2011 Meeting: $13180.00

Major expenses since the beginning of 2011: Membership mailing-$710.00. 3inHC Campaign-$1225.00 (does not include unpaid $215 for ads). Dog Day Race-$250.00. Lifeguard Umbrellas-$1418.00. Annual Meeting Costs-$380.00

Membership Chair Saul Ellman: We added a significant number of members during our spring membership drive. If you have yet to renew your membership or would like to join the HCTA please send in your $25.00 dues to us at P O Box 3065, HC, NJ 08008.

Media Rep Kathy Ries: If you are interested in serving on the HCTA Board of Trustees, please let us know after the meeting. Additionally, please be sure to sign our petitions in support of a safer Blvd. – Either on line or in person here after the meeting.

JCTA Rep Barbara Lehman: The JCTA is a group the represents the interests of all taxpayer groups on the whole Island. The most pressing issue currently is the school taxes the island pays. We are looking into paying tuition instead of the current formula. If you would like to help the HCTA by attending JCTA meeting with our Rep, please let Barbara know.

Corresponding Sec Susan Lewis: I’m touching on Voter Registration. In order to keep our school and County taxes down, we need to vote on the budgets. The way to do that is to split your votes in your household. If you are an NJ resident, we urge one of you to register to vote in Harvey Cedars. It’s easy to do online and you will find the voter registration link on our website at Pay a lot of taxes into the school budget pot and until we register and start voting here we can’t do much about it.

Blvd Safety -Bryan Lewis (outgoing pres), Phil Kunz (incoming pres): We ran a 5 week ‘advitorial’ campaign in the Sandpaper to inform residents and visitors about the BLVD safety issues where we partnered with the Borough and received funding from them. In addition to 3inHC signage and car magnets, we have pushed a letter writing blitz by our members to the paper and County Freeholder Jack Kelly as well as sending an ‘open letter’ to BL Mayor Kirk Larson and LBT Mayor Joe Mancini urging them to meet and discuss a safe resolution to these issues. At our next Trustees meeting, we will discuss how to move this issue forward.

HCTA Trustee Q & A.

What is Freeholder Kelly’s phone number? Answer: 732-929-2003

Road signage: Can we post which way to walk/ride/etc? The County can provide road stencils. Boro can look into this or possibly the HCTA can ‘sponsor’.

Residents requested stepped up police enforcement of walking/biking in correct direction. Another resident asked for BLVD safety statistics. She thinks if would help to put out the ‘near misses’. We said there is not much info on this-people don’t or are embarrassed to report it.

Additionally, it was suggested that we research lawsuit potential for the Co/Kelly/ BL/LBT if someone is hit/hurt and publish that info to pressure them. Another suggestion was that we leverage our water supply and cut them off if they do not agree to safer BLVD.

‘No Parking’ Signs in front of old video store on Blvd next to the Shellfish Co. – These signs are tacky, look ugly and they make town look ‘unfriendly’. Can Boro/HCTA can approach the property owner?

I support the safer 3 lane configuration. When the road repaving happens, can town look into ‘quiet asphalt’? JO said ‘yes’.

Beach Badge Checkers get push back and harassment from those who don’t have beach badges. Can we (HCTA) provide them with walkie-talkies to call for Beach Patrol management back-up? Great idea. We did not know they had ‘push back’. We’ll follow up on this.

How much do we pay per Harvey Cedars student to attend Southern Regional HS? around 324K per HC student!

Dogs on the beach: A resident wants this after hours similar to Ship Bottom. He asked for a hand count. Many feel he did not count correctly. Previously, the HCTA Board as agreed w/ the Boro- no dogs on the beach. Boro stance has not changes on this and the majority of the HCTA Trustees support the Boro.

Resident suggested recepticals for dog poop. She is tired of people leaving it in her yard or in her trashcans.

Needs Action Items: Listed in Trustee correspondence. These will be followed up and discussed at the Oct Trustee meeting.

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