The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences (LBIF) codially invites everyone to attend the 2012 Science Saturdays series of presentations designed to enlighten and entertain. Presented in a relaxed, social setting, the presentations are free to all and deal with a wide range of environmental issues. Best of all, they are presented in an easy-to-understand, layman-focused manner. The series begins Saturday, January 21st and continues through Saturday April 7th. Sessions are held at the Foundation in Loveladies from 11:00 until noon.
Coffee will be served, so please join your friends and neighbors for these informative sessions, the first of which, on January 21st deals with “The Energy Independence Project: 20/20 by 20202.” Presented by John Petralia, this session will attempt to answer the question: Can LBI become energy-independent by the year 2020?
The full schedule of Science Saturdays presentations is:
January 21st: The Energy Independence Project. Speaker: John Petralia
Also given at the Surf City Library at 1:30.
January 28th: Perspective on Gov. Christie’s 10 Point Plan for Banegat Bay: Speaker: Gef Flimlin
February 4th: History and Ecology of Barnegat Bay: Speaker: Marc LaBella
February 11th: Defenders of Wildlife: Speaker: Frank Zalvino
February 18th: The Coast Guard on LBI: Speaker: Mark DeBonis, CPO USCG
Febraury 25th:Understanding of EStuarine Ecosystems: Speaker: Roland K. Hagan
March 3rd: Overview of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge: Speaker:
Virginia Rettig. Also given at the Maritime Museum in Beach Haven at 1:30
March 10th: Birding 101: Speaker: Susan Puder and Linda Gangi
March 17th: The NJ Osprey Project: Speaker: Ben Wurst
March 24th: Magnificent Monarchs: Speaker: Mary Lenahan
March 31st: Beneath the Garden State; Exploring Aquatic NJ. Speaker: Herb Segars
Also given at the Maritime Museum in Beach Haven at 1:30
April 7th: Turtles and terrapins: No Place to Rest. Speaker: John Wnek
All sessions begin at 11:00. Please note that several presentations will also be repeated at the above noted locations.
For More Information, call the LBIF at 609-494-1241