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January JCTA Meeting Minutes


JCTA of LBI – Meeting of 1/3/11


Bill Kunz – Brant Beach, Charlie Gaver- Harvey Cedars, Trish Monaco – Loveladies Harbor

Bob Monaco- Loveladies Property, Pat Moran -North Beach T. O. , Dick Jeffries -Surf City T. O.

Barbara Lehman – Harvey Cedars

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 by President Pat Moran.

Approval of the December meeting minutes was held in abeyance due to the lack of a quorum. They will be brought up for approval at the February meeting.

Treas. Bob Monaco reported treasury balance remains at $4 602. 32. High Bar Harbor still has not paid their 2010 dues.

Several of the points from the December meeting including reduction of dues for 2011 $100 per organization and possible ideas for donations of currently excess funds will be carried forward to the February meeting. Bill Kunz reminded us that the interactive whiteboards have proven very popular and useful at southern regional.

Southern to Regional High School:

Little to report at this time. While we don’t have all of the details if reported cost information regarding special ed situation are true, it raises questions.

Long Beach Island Consolidated :

Reportedly the feasibility study has gone to the mayors and that there will be a working meeting of the Board of Education at 7 PM on January 11 at the Ethel Jacobson school. It is not clear when this will be released to the public. One report has a seven-page summary being made available sometime in January

Barbara Lehman agreed to chair the JCTA Committee to review and develop comments and reactions to the feasibility study. Additional volunteers are solicited.

The Board of Education will be advertising for a new superintendent sometime during the month of January. No idea on the target date to have him or her on board.

Brief discussion of” block scheduling” and it’s effectiveness. The general consensus being that it does not serve the students well.

Snow removal during the recent storm has been and continues to be a problem.

Apparently the idea of “Shared Services and” is not being embraced wholeheartedly by the mayors.

Meeting was adjourned by motion at 8:05 PM

Charlie Gaver

Next meeting February 7, 2011

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